Pasadena by Sherri L. Smith

I loved this book. I reminded me of Everything I Never Told You because it has a similar premise, teenage girl found drowned and everyone suspects suicide but the ones closest to the victim. Maggie is found dead in her swimming pool and her friend Jude is the only person to believe that it is murder not suicide. Maggie is a gregarious, smart teenager who has a lot of friends and was accepted into her first choice university but as the story progresses, she seems to be a different person to different people, being whatever that person needs her to be. As Jude tries to piece together Maggie’s last days, she finds out secrets her best friend has been keeping from her, making her question how well she or anyone knew Maggie. This was a great young adult mystery book and I loved the character development and how the story slowly starts to come together.

I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars on Goodreads.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Penguin’s First to Read Program with no requirement to review book.

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